Thursday, October 01, 2015

History already fixed that non malay could never become government in Malaysia

By 1963, the composition of malaysia seats is as follow. The population in 1963 is about 9 million people. Singapore alone made up of 1.5 mil of the population at that time, Sabah and Sarawak about 1.2 mil. ( approx 3.5 million Malay, 3 mil chinese, 1 mil indian, 1 mil natives people from Sabah and Sarawak)

In 1965 Chinese, indian and borneo natives (1.6 mil) make up close to 56% of Malaysia population of 10 million. The non malay population reduced by 1.5 mil once  Singapore left the federation.

72 malay
30 chinese
2 indian
15 sg
24 sarawak
16 sabah

Technically for 159 seats malays will not be majority. however after singapore pull out of malaysia in 1965 there were 144 seats

72 malay
30 chinese
2 indian
24 sarawak
16 sabah

Thus from this point onwards malay has already form the majority by 1969 to 1974. Roughly speaking non malay will not form more than 36% of the total seats.

If we look in 2015, Malaysia population 30 million (15.5 mil Malay, 6.5 mil chinese, 2 mil indian) and Singapore is about 3.5 mil citizens. In this regard Malay vs Non Malay is about the same.

Source: Current population estimates (2014), Population Quick Info, Department of Statistics

Source: Current population estimates (2014), Population Quick Info, Department of Statistics

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