Sunday, July 08, 2007

Europe high speed rail revolution 2007-2010

Europe's high-speed rail network is growing fast. The current service offers 4700km of line, set to rise to 6000km by 2010 and 7500km by 2020 with a multiplication of cross-border interconnections.June 2007: The opening of the new Eastern France line is a key component of the future high speed rail system. The SNCF and DB have launched Alleo to manage the huge impact of the new Franco-German service, providing substantially reduced journey times between France, Germany, Switzerland and Luxembourg:*

> Paris - Stuttgart : 3h40*
> Paris - Munich : 6h15*
> Paris - Frankfurt : 3h50*
> Paris - Luxembourg : 2h05*
> Paris - Basel : 3h30*
> Paris - Zurich : 4h35

November 2007: The line extension between London and the Channel Tunnel (High Speed 1) will reduce journey times by 20 minutes:*
> Paris-London : 2h15 (instead of 2h35)*
> London Brussels : 1h51 (instead of 2h11)

December 2007: A new high-speed line in the Southern Netherlands will open. NS Hispeed aims to be running high-speed rail services on part of the route, reducing journey times between Amsterdam and Rotterdam by a third:*
> Amsterdam - Rotterdam : 40mins*
> Schipol - Rotterdam : 26mins

By October 2008, the first high speed trains should be visible across the Dutch landscape and the Thalys will link HSL South to Brussels and Paris.

December 2008: A new high-speed service brings Munich and Vienna together in less than 4 hours. At the end of 2008 a new star will appear in the Railteam sky - Railjet! Along with an entirely new fleet of trains, a revolutionary service concept will set new standards in comfort and travel experience. Travelling at 230kph Railjet will link Munich and Vienna in less than 4 hours and provide a gateway to the East connecting the Railteam network with Budapest and beyond!

Early 2009: A new high speed line between Brussels and Koln means that travel time will be reduced by 40 minutes:*
> Brusssels - Koln : 1h 46*
> Paris - Koln : 3h 14

December 2009: Railjet links Zurich and Vienna. One year after Railjet launches it will expand into a third Railteam country linking Switzerland and Austria, cutting the travel time by around 1 hour.

December 2010: A new high speed line will link Frankfurt and Vienna which will reduce the journey time by 30 minutes. The line will be operated as a joint venture between OBB and DB.

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